We are all different, and need to find our own way of losing weight and eating sensibly. Nevertheless, some techniques have proven to be particularly effective in the context of psychological nutrition counseling. Let me introduce you to the methods I use in my practice in Berlin.


Re-balancing food and weight with an individual therapy mix.


First of all, we’ll look at what unconsciously counteracts your attempts to lose weight. Then we can develop the optimum therapy mix that best suits your personality, situation, and wishes. For example, if you prefer to work without hypnosis, we can focus on other methods.


It is often habits acquired over many years that prevent us from eating healthily and working out regularly - both important prerequisites for losing and maintaining weight naturally.


Hypnosis can help to alter such routines and blockages on an unconscious level, which makes it easier to modify behavior. And even better: With hypnosis, changing your lifestyle can even be fun!


What is hypnosis

Hypnosis is a state of altered consciousness, which is also described as a state of focused attention. You achieve this focus by allowing me to lead you into a trance through words and voice. You aren’t asleep, but remain fully conscious and aware of the outside world. Hypnosis usually instills deep relaxation, and most of my clients describe it as a very pleasant, soothing, and also empowering experience.


There are different types of hypnosis, such as the well-known Milton Erickson method, for example. Although it is sometimes used in nutritional coaching, I prefer the direct form of hypnosis that approaches the problem and its roots more directly.

ACT - Acceptance- and Commitment-Therapy

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy forms the basis of my nutrition coaching. ACT is an abbreviation and, at the same time, describes the central approach of the method: ACTion! It’s not about dissecting every little detail, but getting started and doing something instead.


ACT aims to help people accept what they can’t change, and free up energy for the things that are worth it. It is about tackling issues that you can influence through your own actions. You focus on specific goals and learn how to implement them, rather than building castles in the air.

PEP® - Prozess- and Embodiment-focused Psychology

PEP® is a “tapping” technique that you can use whenever you experience unpleasant feelings such as stress, anxiety, anger, or helplessness. By stimulating so-called acupuncture points through little taps, unpleasant emotions that tend to induce food cravings (such as grief, frustration, tension, stress) usually become less intense. Often, they even disappear completely.


And PEP® can do still more for you. It has the ability, for example, to change dysfunctional patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving easily, quickly and sustainably.


The tapping technique provides you with an easy-to-use tool that you can apply yourself any time once our sessions are over. Whenever negative emotions arise - at home, at work, or on the road - you have the means to deal with them.

Diet and exercise

If you have been trying to lose weight for a long time, you are probably very familiar with nutritional matters and already know what is healthy. No-one needs to tell you that a bar of chocolate munched in front of the TV will land on your hips. What matters for you is understanding why you eat the chocolate (or chips, or fries...) in a certain situation.


For this reason, I won’t ask you to observe rigid rules, count calories, or follow strict diet plans when helping you to lose weight. I would far rather show you how you can change or improve your daily diet in order to reduce and maintain your weight. The goal is to find a high-quality and healthy diet with dishes you like.


Along with a healthy diet, it is essential to bring sport and movement into your life. I will help you to find joy in exercising again and make room for it in your everyday routine.

Gleichgewicht -

Ernährung + Psychologie


Julia Ware

Ernährungscoach &

Heilpraktikerin für Psychotherapie


Marienburger Str. 30

10405 Berlin


Tel: (030) 470 517 81


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